模块一 跨境电商发展及平台介绍
Module 1 Introduction to Cross-border E-commerce Development and Platforms
Unit 1 跨境电商发展概述
Overview of Cross-border E-commerce Development
Passage 1 Introduction to Cross-border E-commerce 3
Passage 2 Cross-border E-commerce Development 9
Passage 3 The Belt and Road Initiative Boosts Chinas E-commerce 14
Unit 2 主要跨境电商平台介绍
Introduction to Main Cross-border E-commerce Platforms
Passage 1 Amazon 22
Passage 2 AliExpress 28
Passage 3 Independent Station:SHEIN 31
模块二 售前准备
Module 2 Pre-sale Preparation
Unit 3 跨境电商支付
Payment for Cross-border E-commerce
Passage 1 Overview of Online Payments for E-commerce Businesses 41
Passage 2 E-commerce Payment Methods 47
Unit 4 选品
Product Selection
Passage 1 Product Selecting Skills on Platforms 54
Passage 2 How to Find a Profitable, In-demand Product to Sell 62
Unit 5 跨境电商物流
Cross-border E-commerce Logistics
Passage 1 Modes and Characteristics of Chinas Cross-border
E-commerce Logistics 77
Passage 2 What Factors Should You Consider When
Scaling Fulfillment? 87
Passage 3 Amazons Delivery Challenges 92
模块三 在线销售及营销
Module 3 Online Sales and Marketing
Unit 6 产品标题及产品描述
Product Title and Product Description
Passage 1 Title Description 101
Passage 2 Product Description 107
Unit 7 线上营销策略
Online Marketing Strategies
Passage 1 Amazon Marketing Strategies to Boost Sales 120
Passage 2 Ways to Increase Website Traffic 127
Unit 8 客户服务
Customer Service
Passage 1 The 8 Time-tested Principles of Great Customer Service 141
Passage 2 Drive More E-commerce Sales with Live Chat Without
Being Trapped 150
Passage 3 44 Best Thank You for Your Purchase Messages 155
模块四 跨境电商平台模拟实训
Module 4 Cross-border E-commerce Platform Training
Unit 9 亚马逊平台实训
Amazon Training
任务一 亚马逊账号注册 164
任务二 亚马逊商品上架 172
任务三 亚马逊物流 189
任务四 亚马逊站内营销推广 195
任务五 平台数据分析 210
Unit 10 速卖通实训
AliExpress Training
任务一 速卖通账号注册 219
任务二 速卖通商品上架 221
任务三 速卖通单品折扣设置 226
任务四 马帮ERP商品上架 228
Unit 11 eBay实训
eBay Training
任务一 产品调研 235
任务二 产品刊登 237
任务三 销售推广 242
任务四 eBay纠纷处理 244
Unit 12 阿里巴巴国际站实训
Alibaba Training
任务一 市场调研和选品 255
任务二 产品详情页打造 261
任务三 营销推广 267
Appendix 277